cant play any server

I've been playing trucking servers for years now, I've upgraded my internet from adsl (8mg) to adsl2 (20mg) and now I cant get online, its the same router with all the same equipment. my laptops connects at my parents but not at home so its not a computer problem.

it says connecting
then server didn't respond

yet if I try it else where it works, this is for any server I try to connect to not just one or two.

please help

take gta sanandreas out [unistall]

and put it back in... this will be the only way

Make sure your client version matches the server's version. Most likely, everything is 0.3x now, so be sure to install the 0.3x client.

no no no I can log in and use samp if I go to my parents and use there internet on my laptop but at my house since I updated to adsl2 it wont work, the same laptop works elsewhere

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