Trailers Detach After Truck Reaches 30MPH

I think there may be a piece in this script that automatically detaches trailers when they reach 30MPH I've tried search for "DetachTrailerFromVehicle" but it doesn't appear to be in the script I'll attach it to see can anyone find it.!mcUjQSQL!RxIBjG...9dWWo8NAHWwHGA

What truck is it, and what's the gravity of your server?
Also where are you driving this truck?

Its a tanker, gravity is 0.008. It happens everywhere.

Well shit...
Look for SetVehicle/PlayerVelocity, look for any if() statements finding a player's speed, and what happens in the brackets.

Can't find anything, script is available for download if you can try and find it..

I didn't see anythin in least not detachin it

What else could be possibly causing it then?

No clue :l

I've watched this script develop and trailers used to wait on until a /tow command was added I removed it from the script but could it be something to do with that?

If you are using Lux Speedo, then be sure you've changed the speed limit. If the truck passes the speed limit pointed there, then it shall do something like a refresh of the truck, putting it's speed to 0. I don't know witch one you're using, but if that's it, then you have to change/give a look at what I told you below.

@glbracer Stop rising your posts count with a post like "No Clue ", just stop posting.

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