[Help] /buydriving

The script: I'm using Raven's RolePlay gamemode
About the problem: Hello there, I have the problem when I want to get driving licenses.I have created an driving exam and after that driving test. It's okay on my windows server,but on linux at the last checkpoint it doesn't work,there are no messages or something like that what need to show on the finish.
Part of the script: If You need tell me

Please help me

Something blocks in the checkpoint callback. We must check it out to deal with it.

Here is a part of the script: http://pastebin.com/5dugQHZ3
There near the end is SCM to type /zavrsip,but I have created it to test does it works with the cmd. When I type that cmd first it says: Server unkown command and second time it says I didn't finished all of the checkpoints. Don't look about that it's just test cmd,try to help me with this

Someone help me please ?

Help me please ((

What do OnPlayerCommandText and OnPlayerEnter (and Exit) Checkpoint return?

OnPlayerCommandText it says:

SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_WHITE, ""COL_RULE"BURPG"COL_WHITE": Ukucali ste nepostojecu komandu, ako vam treba pomoc saljite na "COL_RULE"/pitaj");
SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_WHITE, "Spisak komandi potrazite na "COL_RULE"/help");
return 1;

OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint and LeaveCheckpoint at the end it's just return without any text

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