[Help] Vehicle Number Plates

Well i want the vehicles in my buisness FS to have custom licence plates. These are the ways ive tryed:

	S25VehTT1 = AddSPU(1, 2328.0000, -1199.0419, 27.8435, 180.00, 19, 6, 10);//Tow Truck

	S25VehTT1 = SetVehicleNumberPlate(AddSPU(1, 2328.0000, -1199.0419, 27.8435, 180.00, 19, 6, 10),"S25-TT1");//Tow Truck
I have a few vehicles like this. 1 plate does get changed. The first vehicle i give a number plate to always has the last plate, and i do change the vehicle id.

Note that AddSPU is just a special thing so that the vehicles have police light capability, theres just an extra parameter for its SPU type.
Also note that no errors are given by SAMP Client, Server, Or Pawno.

I'm just gonna go ahead and push this like a yerm-ma-gerg tracter... kablump...
lol srry, its been 10 days with nothing.

Show us AddSPU anyway, please (however if it returns createvehicle id then it shouldn't be an issue).


1 plate does get changed. The first vehicle i give a number plate to always has the last plate, and i do change the vehicle id.

1 plate as in first, or one? What do you mean always has the last plate?


It uses create vehicle, with the exception that the last # is its type of SPU, which would determin the location position number of the lights when their on.

If i have car 1-6 with plate 1-6. Car 1 would have plate 6 (being the first car spawned and last plate set (though the last plate is told to be on the last car)). The rest of the cars would have the default licence plate.


and yes, i waited 8 days not 2 hours to bump lol

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