25.02.2013, 21:49
I made this command, when i do /myhouse cash [withdraw/deposit]
it doesn't work.
it doesn't work.
pawn Код:
CMD:myhouse(playerid, params[])
new option[7], secoption[128], str[128],pName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
new house = PlayerInfo[playerid][pHouseKey];
GetPlayerName(playerid, pName, sizeof(pName));
if (house != -1 && strcmp(pName, HouseInfo[PlayerInfo[playerid][pHouseKey]][hOwner], true) == 0)
if(sscanf(params, "s[7]S(NULL)[128]", option, secoption)) return SyntaxMSG(playerid, "/myhouse [info/cash]");
if(!strcmp(option, "info", true))
format(str, sizeof(str), "House Info: Market Price - $%d, Level - %d, Rent Price - $%d.", HouseInfo[house][hPrice], HouseInfo[house][hLevelbuy], HouseInfo[house][hRentprice]);
HouseMSG(playerid, str);
else if(!strcmp(option, "cash", true))
new choise[11], thirdoption[128], amount;
if(sscanf(params, "{s[7]}s[11]S(NULL)[128]", choise, thirdoption))
SyntaxMSG(playerid, "/myhouse cash [withdraw/deposit]");
format(str, sizeof(str), "You have $%d in your cashbox.", HouseInfo[house][hCash]);
HouseMSG(playerid, str);
return 1;
if(!strcmp(choise, "withdraw", true))
if(sscanf(params, "{s[7]}d", amount)) return SyntaxMSG(playerid, "/myhouse cash withdraw [amount]");
if (amount > HouseInfo[house][hCash] || amount < 1)
HouseMSG(playerid, "You dont have that much!");
return 1;
if (!PlayerToPoint(100, playerid,HouseInfo[house][hExitX],HouseInfo[house][hExitY],HouseInfo[house][hExitZ])) return HouseMSG(playerid, "You must be inside the house.");
GiveCash(playerid, amount);
HouseInfo[house][hCash] -= amount;
format(str, sizeof(str), "You have withdrawn $%d from your cashbox Total: $%d ", amount,HouseInfo[house][hCash]);
HouseMSG(playerid, str);
else if(!strcmp(choise, "deposit", true))
if(sscanf(params, "{s[7]}d", amount)) return SyntaxMSG(playerid, "/myhouse cash withdraw [amount]");
if (amount > GetCash(playerid) || amount < 1)
HouseMSG(playerid, "You dont have that much!");
return 1;
if (!PlayerToPoint(100, playerid,HouseInfo[house][hExitX],HouseInfo[house][hExitY],HouseInfo[house][hExitZ])) return HouseMSG(playerid, "You must be inside the house.");
GiveCash(playerid, -amount);
HouseInfo[house][hCash] += amount;
format(str, sizeof(str), "You have placed $%d in your cashbox Total: $%d ", amount,HouseInfo[house][hCash]);
HouseMSG(playerid, str);
HouseMSG(playerid, "You don't own a house.");
return 1;