[Map] New LS Tunnel,Fixed. (Perfect For Trucking.)

Hello mates, haven't map for a while,so i today i was kinda bored,and i was thinking to make something simple and here it is. So you may been wondering now: ''Why the tunnel,from the both sides are closed? And why there's a road around it? Well the answer is simple,i'll explain it. In every Trucking server that tunnel is kinda bugged,when you drive with a truck and trailer trough that tunnel,you get stuck and can't get out,that fails everything. I'm not sure if this is happening to all trailers, as i know to Cargo, and maybe Ore or Xoomer Trailer. I blocked the tunnel so that the newbie players won't drive trough it,so in that reason i made a road around it,so a player can safety drive around. Also i added some more stuff,like trees and rocks,if you notice,because it looked kinda empty and i wanted to add something like that,so that couldn't look boring. Everything looks like in real life,with barriers and blocks,i checked all objects and none is floating or blazing,if you notice some weird thing,please let me know so i can fix it. Note that, i removed 2 objects,it was bushes,becasue they should not be there,so copy paste the removebuilding OnPlayerConnect. etc.

I took some screens how it looks and also recorded a video,watch it in HD. ( Pastebin link down.)

If you need here's the coordinates to teleport to that place:
1046.40417, -2028.73340, 11.98380
Copy paste these OnPlayerConnect
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 762, 1023.5938, -2050.6875, 16.0859, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 762, 1011.8594, -2043.5000, 16.0859, 0.25);
Pastebin link,to get the codes:

So yeah,that's all, please write your feedbacks about the map and everything,if you have any questions feel free to ask,i'll be happy to respond on them.

Map was made with SA-MP Map Construction by JernejL.

Thank you.

Good job

Pretty nice. Good job.

@windrush - Thanks mate.
@Naylor - I'm glad that you like it.

Please people,write your feedbacks about my map,this took me few hours to complete it..and to make sure that nothing is messed up.

Awesome *_________*

Nice 5/5
please link to you truck mod

Originally Posted by fredelfredel
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Nice 5/5
please link to you truck mod

Truck mod is made by EMzone,here's the direct link (There is a truck pack.): http://gtafiles.gtainside.com/downlo...eTruckPack.rar

If you wan't,you can also download the trailer pack,made by EMzone too. Looks fantastic:


More you can find at http://www.gtainside.com/en/news.php

Wow, nice 10/10

osom 10/10


Very nice

Nice map

Everything looks good except the re-route which I think looks really out of place design-wise.

1) There shouldn't be trees it's a temporary route why would there the be trees?
2) The objects are placed right on the sidewalk (trees / lights) looks strange.
3) Street lights are too close together on the on ramp it makes it look bad.
4) Why two RemoveBuildingForPlayer() lines when it could be one line?

Overall 6/10

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