[Tutorial] Splitting data using sscanf

Splitting data using sscanf
I've only just found out how to do this, thanks to 2KY so I decided to make a small tutorial for those interested in doing this. If you do find any mistakes or anything that could be improved on, please do tell me!

Before scripting there are a few essentials you'll need such as sscanf so please do get this if you haven't already before coding.

The Code Itself
This is a simple code, just to let you see what it could look like once you've finished coding it
if( !sscanf( params, "p<,>fff", xpos, ypos, zpos ) )
       SetPlayerPos ( playerid, xpos, ypos, zpos );
This could simply be used for a teleport command, example: /goto 0.0 0.0 3.0 and you would be teleported to the center of the map.

Explanation of the Code
This is the part you'll need to read carefully in order to reach your goal of learning how to split data with sscanf.
if( !sscanf( params, "p<,>fff", xpos, ypos, zpos ) )
This is the first past of our example code, quite simple really, you've got the 'function' then the 'params' then the 'specifier' then the 'variables'.

Here's something that might help you choose a specifier, thanks to ******.
Specifier(s)			Name				Example values
	i, d			Integer				1, 42, -10
	c			Character			a, o, *
	l			Logical				true, false
	b			Binary				01001, 0b1100
	h, x			Hex				1A, 0x23
	o			Octal				045 12
	n			Number				42, 0b010, 0xAC, 045
	f			Float				0.7, -99.5
	g			IEEE Float			0.7, -99.5, INFINITY, -INFINITY, NAN, NAN_E
	u			User name/id (bots and players)	******, 0
	q			Bot name/id			ShopBot, 27
	r			Player name/id			******, 42

So after this, you should have more knowledge on splitting data using sscanf, hopefully you understood this topic, if not please post a reply



Try to explain what 'p<,>' means, or how you should decide on specifiers and when to use them.

This "tutorial" is self-explanatory if you bother to read the sscanf release topic...

May wish to include a list of all available delimiters, and a list of possible uses for splitting data perhaps?

Other than that, it's quite simple and to the point, good job.

I've added a list of specifiers, will think of some more uses of splitting data. Thanks for the positive feedback.

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