11.02.2013, 21:50
Hello, i'm working on a ingame mapping tool.
I wanted to create a stock, to save the objects.
This is what i have.
But then i got these errors.
I should love it if someone could tell me the problem, or even could fix it!
I wanted to create a stock, to save the objects.
This is what i have.
stock SaveObjects() { new idx = 1, File:file; new string[256]; while(idx < MAX_OBJ) { format(string, sizeof(string), "%d|%f|%f|%f|%f|%f|%f|%f|%f|%f|%f|%f|%f\r\n", ObjInfo[idx][oModel], ObjInfo[idx][oCX], ObjInfo[idx][oCY], ObjInfo[idx][oCZ], ObjInfo[idx][oCRX], ObjInfo[idx][oCRY], ObjInfo[idx][oCRZ], ObjInfo[idx][oOX], ObjInfo[idx][oOY], ObjInfo[idx][oOZ], ObjInfo[idx][oORX], ObjInfo[idx][oORY], ObjInfo[idx][oORZ], if(idx == 1) { file = fopen("objects.cfg", io_write); } else { file = fopen("objects.cfg", io_append); } fwrite(file, string); fclose(file); idx++; } print("Objects saved successfully."); return 1; }
(2160 -- 2175) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero (2175 -- 2176) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero (2179) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero