10.02.2013, 15:27
Hey guys, I'm having trouble getting text from data I saved to a file using y_ini. What I did was getting a car's name and then saving it to a file, now I need to use that car's name in a format but everything I try fails. The car's name changes regularly so I need to format it to use It in a list dialog.
Please note saving and loading the data is not the problem, I don't know how to format the array to return the car's name like this...
Can anyone help me on thisone please?
LSDealerInfo[playerid][TempCarID] = TempCarID; LSDealerInfo[playerid][LSDCarName] = GetVehicleNameByModelId(TempCarID); Save_LSDInfo(playerid);
format(LSDCarsInfo, sizeof(LSDCarsInfo),"%s\n%s\n%s", LSDealerInfo[playerid][LSDCarName1], LSDealerInfo[playerid][LSDCarName2], LSDealerInfo[playerid][LSDCarName3]);