Constant 'Retrieving Info'

A server I like both updated to 0.3X and got a new IP. So I did both things myself, and now it constantly says 'Retrieving info...' even though I know the server's on and that I got the IP right. Also, it's got a ping of 9999. If I try and join, it says the server isn't responding. Two other servers I've favourited still work fine, though. I've ******d around, but didn't find much that worked or even was fixed for the one with the issue. I tried restarting my compy, entirely reinstalling SAMP, deleting my SAMP settings and stuff and letting it start up again fresh, a few other things. Nothing did anything. And if I can't get on the server within the next 3 months, I get my house and vehicles I bought confiscated without compensation. So, please help?

Maybe it was offline,or there is some problem with your net connection?

I know it's online. It's been saying 'Retreiving info' for almost a week now, and on the forums for the server, no one says it's offline. People are talking about what they're doing on it, and stuff about the new 0.3X sauce. My connection should be fine, because each and every other thing works.

Update your SAMP Back to 0.3e and try to enter if it dosent help then Update it back to 0.3x BUT Close Any Other Programs that are working Even if you have SAMP Turned on.

I already tried going back to E, but was the same (still said retrieving info forever, and 9999 ping). Also, it was the only thing running when I tried restarting. Again, the same.

Maybe you are firewall banned if you don't see anything.
Try to ping towards the server's IP.

Interesting. I tried pinging it, said couldn't do it. Then pinged ******, worked out fine. I poked around my firewall, added an exception for SAMP, but that did nothing. Even turned off my firewall completely, also did nothing. Just for the record and fixing purposes, not to advert it, the server in question is Truckmania,

I tried to join server and i can but i am not sure why you cant..Try to Reinstal GTA But make Backup of you IMG just in case..

Aww, but, I have some minor map mods I made all up in there. Mostly just additional streetlights, and moving of traffic lights so they're on the far side of the intersection so you can actually see them when you stop at the crossing. However, I keep a fresh, mod free copy of SA incase of this breed of screw up, so I'll tell SAMP to use it and see what happens. ....nothing.

If you can't see it the server's firewall is probably blocking you. A.k.a banned

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