Skin crash (Before 0.3x)

Old bug, and doubtfully reported.

When you enter a vehicle, set your skin id to something then you'll just crash.


(A member of my community decided to report this)

Edit: I believe it can be patched with the player state functions.
Edit2: Looks like it is patched in 0.3x

Not only you, but anyone around you. Does anyone else can confirm this?

I can confirm this. It happens in 0.3e and also 0.3x. And it indeed crashes the players around you as well.

Originally Posted by Stewie`
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Not only you, but anyone around you. Does anyone else can confirm this?
Yes, that's true. It's only a matter of time before some guy makes a hack to crash people with this.

Gladly it has been fixed on 0.3X. I don't have to make an antihack for that.

I just checked it on 0.3x, that bug is still here.

Originally Posted by Lorenc_
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Yes, that's true. It's only a matter of time before some guy makes a hack to crash people with this.
Players can't change their own skin. Only the server can. It's up to the server to decide when SetPlayerSkin can be used.

Originally Posted by Kalcor
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Players can't change their own skin. Only the server can. It's up to the server to decide when SetPlayerSkin can be used.
Infact, there is a new hack that can force skin changes.

I've PM'd you more detail regarding it.

Originally Posted by Kalcor
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Players can't change their own skin. Only the server can. It's up to the server to decide when SetPlayerSkin can be used.
Originally Posted by KyleSmith
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Infact, there is a new hack that can force skin changes.

I've PM'd you more detail regarding it.
New Fact... There's a cleo hack that can call server functions. Literally

I've never face this bug, maybe I got it fixed in my gamemode:
pawn Код:
    if(IsPlayerControllable(playerid)) TogglePlayerControllable(playerid,true);//No more freezing bug when jumping + changing skin
    if(!IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) ClearAnimations(playerid,1);//No more animation bug for changing skin when swimming
    return 1;
Which is unintended to fix this problem I think.

And yes, there has been a CLEO that can change skin for a very long time already.

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