02.02.2013, 05:14
So I have a problem with gametextforplayer.
On an older gamemode it works.But on mine from 0 it dont.
I made that one script with GameTextForPlayer like in the other one.
Now, I want something to load from 1% to 100% (on GameTextForPlayer).It is not moving. It always stays at 1.
Here are the scripts, who really need.
If you see here is set, if it is >= 1, than the GameTextForPlayer is moving/updating to other number.But it don't.
And here the MISSION_LOAD is set to 1.
On an older gamemode it works.But on mine from 0 it dont.
I made that one script with GameTextForPlayer like in the other one.
Now, I want something to load from 1% to 100% (on GameTextForPlayer).It is not moving. It always stays at 1.
Here are the scripts, who really need.
If you see here is set, if it is >= 1, than the GameTextForPlayer is moving/updating to other number.But it don't.
if(MISSION_LOAD{i} >= 1) { if(newcar == MISSION_TRUCK[0]) { if(MISSION_STARTED == true) { MISSION_LOAD{i} += (1); format(string, (sizeof string), "~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~w~LOADING: ~g~%d%",MISSION_LOAD{i}); GameTextForPlayer(i, string, 4000, 3); if(MISSION_LOAD{i} >= 100) { MISSION_LOAD{i} = (0); MISSION_TIME = (0); TogglePlayerControllable(i, 1); GameTextForPlayer(i, "~r~Loading finished!", 1000, 3); TRUCK_LOAD_FINISHED = (true);
if(newstate == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER) { if(vehicle == MISSION_TRUCK[0]) { if(MISSION_STARTED == true) { if(TRUCK_LOAD_FINISHED == false) { MISSION_LOAD{playerid} = (1); TogglePlayerControllable(playerid,0); format(string, (sizeof string), "~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~w~LOADING: ~g~%d%",MISSION_LOAD{playerid}); GameTextForPlayer(playerid, string, 4000, 3); SetCameraBehindPlayer(playerid);