PlayAudioStreamForPlayer Doesnt Work

I cant hear anything..
pawn Код:
CMD:stest2(playerid, params[])
    new Float:xx,Float:yy,Float:zz,Float:dis;
    dis = 50.0;
    return 1;

If you see the green "Audio stream: url" message, then it's a problem with the URL. If you don't see it, then try again with /audiomsg and make sure it's on. If it's on and you don't see the message, then turn on your radio volume in ESC > options > audio setup.

Originally Posted by SuperViper
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If you see the green "Audio stream: url" message, then it's a problem with the URL. If you don't see it, then try again with /audiomsg and make sure it's on. If it's on and you don't see the message, then turn on your radio volume in ESC > options > audio setup.
In israel we call pepole like you "zadik ehad be sdom"(one righteous person in Sodom )
Means you helped me alot , THANKS !

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