mysql plugin thread locked, no downloads

why BlueG's mysql plugin thread is locked and the download links are removed? I'm sure it won't be locked for no reason, so it interested me .

Edited and probably locked by himself, so i guess he decided to stop doing that "service" for this community. Wouldnt be the first one who did that.

There were some problems that never got fixed (I never had too much trouble though). The documentation was promised to be updated but wasn't, I guess he got too busy with more important stuff and decided to discontinue the project. No idea why he removed the DL links though.

OK, you can discontinue a project and lock the topic, but is he right by deleting source and download links? I think he's not because another person can continue that project that he couldn't, it's not fair for us too.

Use that for Linux Distro's.

Windows Plugin for R7:
Windows Plugin for R6-2:

It's his choice to continue/discontinue his work/project at any point of time. He made his choice quite clear by locking the thread and removing the downloads.

What's the plugin license?

Originally Posted by playbox12
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There were some problems that never got fixed (I never had too much trouble though).
Same goes for me, I've had problems, but they've always been caused by my own code. Albeit a bit modified and stripped down by me, the version I use does not cause a single crash with 7 days of constant uptime and queries being ran very often.

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