[FilterScript] Essentials [Standard server commands, new features]


Essentials is a filterscript that helps you start running your server.
This FS is still in development and will be updated whenever I have the time for it.
Edits etc. are not allowed.

mute unmute jail unjail kick ban freeze unfreeze broadcast cc kill restart god ungod essentials

Known bugs: (Reply if you know any)

Jail will disappear when /restart is executed, /god will sometimes not work when health is low.

Mute and unmute
/mute (player) will make the player unable to talk unless he gets /unmute 'd

Kick and ban
/kick (player) will remove the player from the game but he is free to reconnect when he would like to however, /ban (player) removes a player from the game and he will not be able to rejoin unless you remove him from the samp.ban file in your servers folder.

Jail and unjail
/jail (player) will teleport the player to a little hut that he cannot escape from, his weapons are removed and player in jail cannot kill each other. /unjail removes the player from the hut and places him at some place in LV. (He can get killed again)

Freeze and unfreeze
/freeze (player) will make the player unable to move or shoot unless he gets /unfreeze 'd

/broadcast (text) will send a chat message to all players saying "(BROADCAST): (text)"

When /cc is performed it will clear the chatbox.

/kill (player) will kill the player, (When he's in jail, he will respawn back in jail!)

/restart will reload all FS's or GM's, this is a bit buggy

God and ungod
/god will make the player unable to get hurt unless he types /ungod

/essentials shows all these commands ingame.


You need these includes
#include <a_samp>
#include <zcmd>
#include <sscanf2>
#include <YSI\y_ini>
The script is fully configurable! (examples: Can't freeze admins, Can't ban admins etc. )

Added download guys

Did anyone use it yet? I was hoping for this to be succes as my first FS.....

Why bumping it?

It's a basic admin system, imo. And no, it's not an essential! But for a FIRST FS, it's a good one.

Its pretty shit i know

good bro

Originally Posted by Anak
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good bro
Thanks eventhough i dont have good toughts about it

i had the question, can i edit this?
its a good idea! and i want to make it better and use it on my own server.
The question is he is banned so i want to ask the admin, can i edit this?
Sorry for my very bad englisch, im dutch!

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