how to shoot WITH a vehicle? when driving it and pressing LMB

hey everybody,

i was in this server, COD5 Battlefield, and i saw that when you drive a certain car(in this one the bandito) that when you press LMB, the car shoots, there are 2 M4 guns attached to the vehicle, and when pressing LMB they shoot, you can actually see the bullets firing, but how to make this? i know how to attach these M4's to the car, but how can i make it that it actually CAUSES damage if you hit somebody else with the vehicle when pressing LMB?

Greets Niels

erm bump?

These should give u ideas ........ Maybe i can get an idea from these a probably give u something small from it because what u need include a lot of physics and time to think how u r going to approach this

ty , ill use the first link, but still not exactly as i wanted it, id like to have like a minigun, or M4 attached to the car, and actaully SEE that one shoot at somebody, and the health of him decreases, anyways this is nice too

Ahhhh..... well here is an idea on how to make one ..... he has it for tanks but .... it should be very simple for u to extract the code for certain vehicles .... Hope i helped u

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