MySQL Compiling problem

When I compile any of my MySQL script it gives me this error

pawn Код:
undefined symbol "mysql_query"
I checked the It contains the mysql_query define but still It gives me error, any solution?

(Also tried to replace the with the latest one.)

in last version (R7) mysql_query have been replace wich mysql_function_query

mysql_function_query( connectionHandle, query[], bool:cache, callback[], format[], {Float,_}:... )
pawn Код:
mysql_function_query(connectionHandle, "UPDATE `foo` SET `bar` = 1", false, "CustomResponse", "dsf", 1337, "string", 1.5634);

public CustomResponse(integer, string[], Float:float)
    printf("Query successful executed. Data: %d | %s | %f", integer, string, float);
    return 1;

It's R7 So you have to use threaded queries.

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