A certain gamemode

This is one of many servers I have been on and they all tell me the script originated from NG:RP, does anyone have a link to download this script so I can edit it? I like the script but can't find it anywhere in the game mode section and a lot of people are using it.

Again NG:RP ... Why you're copying gamemodes? Just make your own RP. It takes time ,but if you're intermediate it will be easy.

What is NG:RP, Next Generation Roleplay?

I don't know, but I see lots of people copying it. How would you feel if somebody stole your idea? I think not good... seriously, look for a scripter or more and start your own RP gamemode , as I said , if you're like intermediate its easy. I learn a new thing everyday about scripting. I just noticed how if I exercise I get so good at scripting. So try browsing wiki and get somebody to help

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