Having a issue with /dd

Hello guys,

I hope I'm posting in the right area. I'm trying to load an inferior using the /dd command. I'm doing everything right. I crated the door ((/ddcreate)), than put the settings on it that I needed but when I get to the part where I need to load the interior it's not working. This is how its telling me to do it "/ddedit loadinterior [doorid] [value (optional)]". Now here's what I'm typing /ddedit loadinterior 36 246.375991 109.245994 1003.218750 10. I'm using the Interior ID. So please help me and tell me what I'm doing wrong.

Thank You

Possibly not the right interior... Look around in ****** you might find the interior ID's

Possibly, go in the interior and set where the player should spawn near a door

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