22.12.2012, 19:44
Ok, I have this dialog which displays all commands for a admin rank. Well because there are so many commands for that rank the string is big and it wont fit on one lines (5 errors of input line to long etc) so i tried strcat to combine them, it didnt work then i tried inserting the string into the other and that didnt work.
Any solutions ?
Any solutions ?
pawn Код:
new Mega_String[2][400];
format(Mega_String[0], 400, "{FF0000}[CMD]{FFFFFF} /slap -{FF0000} Slaps a player into the air and reduces some health\n{FF0000}[CMD]{FFFFFF} /apm -{FF0000} Send an admin privite message to a player \
\n{FFFFFF} /mute -{FF0000} Mutes a player\n{FF0000}[CMD]{FFFFFF} /unmute -{FF0000} UnMutes a player\n{FFFFFF} /ann -{FF0000} Announces a message on the screen\n{FFFFFF} /disarm -{FF0000} Disarms a player");
format(Mega_String[1], 400, "\n{FFFFFF} /freeze -{FF0000} Freezes a player\n{FFFFFF} /unfreeze -{FF0000} Unfreezes a player\
\n{FFFFFF} /goto -{FF0000} Teleports yourself to the given player\n{FFFFFF} /bring -{FF0000} Bring a player to your position");
strins(Mega_String[0], Mega_String[1], 0);