12.12.2012, 19:18
Последний раз редактировалось DiGiTaL_AnGeL; 14.12.2012 в 12:37.
Fy Snow event
by DiGiTaL AnGeL
The Fy Snow event is a dm event. The script is made by me, the map is made by TheYoungCapone.Anyway, the FS has 2 versions : a RP version and a DM version. You'll find differences in the cmds(which are made with YCMD) If you want to recompile the FS, you will need <digital_colors.inc>
RolePlay Version ~> /fsevent --> Enables/disables the event ~> /startevent --> Starts the event(unfreezes the players) ~> /joinfsevent --> Allows you to choose a team for the event(CT or Terrorists) ~> /snowoff --> Disables the snow ~> /snow --> Enables the snow ~> /leavefs --> Respawns you, but you loose $500.
DeathMatch Version ~> /joinfsevent --> Allows you to choose a team for the event(CT or Terrorists) ~> /snowoff --> Disables the snow ~> /snow --> Enables the snow ~> /leavefs --> Respawns youto your normal spawn.
DiGiTaL AnGeL ~> The script
TheYoungCapone ~> The map
Alex "******" Cole ~> YCMD
Kalcor ~> SA:MP
spookie ~> PAWN Compiler GUI