Some error

I have a server on IGhost and I've a small problem. The server works fine, no trouble, I mean, with the standard script (Grandlarc, LVDM, etc) But when I try to upload my own script or a script downloaded from the internet it always, always says this:
 [21:09:28] Script[gamemodes/V1.1.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
And I already heard from someone: That means that the file isn't there or you spelled the name wrong, but I am 100% sure that that isn't the problem right here.

Have you tried running Pawn as admin? That used to be a problem for me until I tried running as admin one day ^_^

Got errors in your GM?

Try renaming your downloaded GM to something simple like 'abc' instead of 'V1.1' and edit the server.cfg gamemode line to 'gamemode0 abc1', after recompiling the script with the name, try running it and if it doesn't work, you have errors in your GM, maybe.

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