Weird problem

Hello. I was testing my server and found weird problem, players are not moving. I connected to my server with 2 samp's from different computers (but same ip), and then I noticed, if I'm too far from another player and walk with another player, then get back to that player I see he moved, but if I stay facing to that player from around 5 meters distance and walk with that player then I don't see him walking. And if I try to shoot another player it's hp not decreasing. Where could be problem?

Sorry for my bad English.

Have you set a new "ped" style for players?.. Sounds like they arent Synced with each other?. Does it lookelike that?

Originally Posted by goviscrap
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Have you set a new "ped" style for players?.. Sounds like they arent Synced with each other?. Does it lookelike that?
I do not know what is "ped" style, so if I do not know, I think that I didn't changed anything with it. It looks like players are afk, because they can't be killed and they're not moving if they're actually moving.

"ped" style is the style they use when they are walking. like "gangsta" and so on
Hmm.. Send me the IP adress and let me login and see it by myself.

Originally Posted by goviscrap
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"ped" style is the style they use when they are walking. like "gangsta" and so on
Hmm.. Send me the IP adress and let me login and see it by myself.
Can you give me your skype? Because I often turning server off, so I can tell you when I start server.

Okay here is my skype : Nicklas.karlsson740

Is your OnPlayerUpdate returning 1 or 0?

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