Streak Trailer detection (Model 570)

When you use GetPlayerVehicleID or IsPlayerInVehicle on a Streak Trailer, it returns 0.

There are many train-related bugs, I hope they will be fixed in future.

I agree. Hoping that they fix them in the near future!

Bugs with trains:

- The engine sound is still there when the engine is off
- Trains sometimes show on the tram track
- When you use GetPlayerVehicleID or IsPlayerInVehicle on a Streak Trailer, it returns 0

Suggestions for trains:

- Creating trains should just spawn the train model and not the carriages and the carriages should be added with AttachTrailerToVehicle (I know AttachTrailerToVehicle doesn't work like that but surely it can be made to work differently with train carriage models). This is possible and means different trains can have any amount of different carriages.
- If possible allow different carriages to be attached to trains and other different carriages
- Also if possible get the Freight Box carriage (ID 590) to work and attach to other carriages
- Fix the other missing track
- Sync unoccupied train position. If a player is driving a tram they can bail out and the tram will carry on going but the position won't update. So when the player goes to enter the tram GetVehiclePos can't be used because the position isn't right.
- Allow trains to derail if it's possible to sync


Adding to the post above, i think collisions would also be nice (as an optional feature for coders.) At the moment trains can just drive through each other.

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