23.11.2012, 04:48
I Made a dialog for Ammunation for buy weapons well its a list of weapons not explain all of them but one should help if i select 9mm Pistol It throw up another Dialog For Input Asking me how much ammo I want Im gonna charge $0.50 A Bullet So IF I type in 200 bullets And I click Submit It would count them bullets and add it all together and Call on Another Dialog to give me the Grand Total cost for the Gun and The ammo together So I Select Purchase I want to pay for that amount and it
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, -amount);
Gun Cost $50
Ammo $0.50
How Would I go About Scripting That .. Please Help me...
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, -amount);
Gun Cost $50
Ammo $0.50
How Would I go About Scripting That .. Please Help me...