20.11.2012, 10:41
I got a problem whenever I try to script a new command the following errors show up:
However deleting the CMD from the GM fixes it and it compiles again without any problem, the problem occurs again when I add the CMD again..
The CMD I'm trying to add:
2968) : error 017: undefined symbol "ProxDetector" (2975) : error 017: undefined symbol "ProxDetector" (2982) : error 017: undefined symbol "ProxDetector" (2991) : error 017: undefined symbol "ProxDetector" (3005) : error 017: undefined symbol "ProxDetector" (3012) : error 017: undefined symbol "ProxDetector" (3016) : error 017: undefined symbol "GivePlayerCash" (3019) : error 017: undefined symbol "ProxDetector" (3026) : error 017: undefined symbol "ProxDetector" (3034) : error 017: undefined symbol "GivePlayerCash" (3037) : error 017: undefined symbol "ProxDetector" (3044) : error 017: undefined symbol "ProxDetector" (3051) : error 017: undefined symbol "ProxDetector" (3065) : error 017: undefined symbol "ProxDetector" (3074) : error 017: undefined symbol "ProxDetector" (3086) : error 017: undefined symbol "ProxDetector" (3105) : error 017: undefined symbol "ProxDetector" (3119) : error 017: undefined symbol "ProxDetector" (3133) : error 017: undefined symbol "ProxDetector" (3141) : error 017: undefined symbol "GivePlayerCash" (3146) : error 017: undefined symbol "ProxDetector" (3314) : error 017: undefined symbol "GivePlayerCash" (3572) : error 017: undefined symbol "GivePlayerCash" (3573) : error 017: undefined symbol "GivePlayerCash" (4874) : error 017: undefined symbol "NOPCheck" (5484) : error 017: undefined symbol "NOPCheck"
The CMD I'm trying to add:
CMD:tolls(playerid, params[]) { new string[128]; if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember] == 3 || PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember] == 6 || PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember] == 1 || PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember] == 2 || (PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember] == 4 && PlayerInfo[playerid][pDivision] == 2) || (PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember] == 4 && PlayerInfo[playerid][pRank] >= 5) || PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember] == 7 || PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember] == 5 || PlayerInfo[playerid][pLeader] == 5 || PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember] == 11 || PlayerInfo[playerid][pLeader] == 11) { GetPlayerPos( playerid, Positions[0][0], Positions[0][1], Positions[0][2]); GetDynamicObjectPos(prisontoll1, Positions[14][0], Positions[14][1], Positions[14][2]); GetDynamicObjectPos(prisontoll2, Positions[15][0], Positions[15][1], Positions[15][2]); if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 8.0, 940.4286,-2367.9500,13.0807)) { if(prisontoll2Status == 0 ) { format( string, sizeof( string ), "* %s uses their remote to open the tolls.", GetPlayerNameEx( playerid ) ); ProxDetector(5.0, playerid, string, COLOR_PURPLE,COLOR_PURPLE,COLOR_PURPLE,COLOR_PURPLE,COLOR_PURPLE); SetDynamicObjectRot(prisontoll2, 0.000000, 90.00000000,299.99267578); prisontoll2Status = 1; } else { prisontoll2Status = 0; SetDynamicObjectRot(prisontoll2, 0.000000, 357.98950195,299.98168945); format( string, sizeof( string ), "* %s uses their remote to close the tolls.", GetPlayerNameEx( playerid ) ); ProxDetector(5.0, playerid, string, COLOR_PURPLE,COLOR_PURPLE,COLOR_PURPLE,COLOR_PURPLE,COLOR_PURPLE); } } if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 8.0, 942.76953125,-2378.83496094,12.78274250)) { if(prisontoll1Status == 0 ) { format( string, sizeof( string ), "* %s uses their remote to open the tolls.", GetPlayerNameEx( playerid ) ); ProxDetector(5.0, playerid, string, COLOR_PURPLE,COLOR_PURPLE,COLOR_PURPLE,COLOR_PURPLE,COLOR_PURPLE); SetDynamicObjectRot(prisontoll1, 0.000000, 359.98352051,299.99267578); prisontoll1Status = 1; } else { prisontoll1Status = 0; SetDynamicObjectRot(prisontoll1, 0.000000, 270.00000000,299.99267578); format( string, sizeof( string ), "* %s uses their remote to close the tolls.", GetPlayerNameEx( playerid ) ); ProxDetector(5.0, playerid, string, COLOR_PURPLE,COLOR_PURPLE,COLOR_PURPLE,COLOR_PURPLE,COLOR_PURPLE); } return 1; }