14.11.2012, 00:55
Why does my Pawno Crash when i use this Script?
+rep for the one who helps me
if(strcmp(cmd, "/robbank", true) == 0)//Alexander { if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) { if(robbing[playerid] == 1) { SetPlayerWantedLevel(playerid, GetPlayerWantedLevel(playerid)+6); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, " You are already robbing the bank + 6 level wanted, please slow down"); return 1; } if(alreadyrobbed[playerid] == 1) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "You already robbed the bank! Wait 1 hour."); return 1; } if(!IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 5.0, 1439.4030,-986.7344,14.2183))//Change those X,Y,Z { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, " You are not at the bank !"); return 1; } SetTimer("Startbankrobbery", 20000, 0); return 1; } public startbankrobbery() { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "You have Robbed Los Santos Local Bank And Stole 1 Million Dollar - Stay low From Cops for few"); robbing[playerid] = 1; GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 1000000); SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "||----------------Latest News----------------||"); SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_GREEN, " Los Santos Local Bank Trust has Been Broken."); SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_GREEN, " The Bank is Currentley getting Robbed. "); SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_GREEN, " We will report more once we get more information"); SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "||----------------Latest News----------------||"); } SetTimer("endbankrobbery", 240000, 0); } } return 1; }