warn cmd help

Hello, this warn cmd i made it doesn't show the reason of the warn.

Is like: Admin user (irc) has warned playername (id) for:

pawn Код:
IRCCMD:warn(botid, channel[], user[], host[], params[])
    new ID; new reason[64]; new string[128]; new pname[24]; new string2[128];
    if(IRC_IsOp(botid, channel, user))
        if(isnull(params)) return IRC_GroupSay(gGroupID, channel,"3Usage: !warn [playerid] [reason]");
        if(!IsPlayerConnected(ID))return IRC_GroupSay(gGroupID, channel,"4*** Error: Invalid player ID.");
        GetPlayerName(ID, pname, 24);
        format(string, sizeof(string), "Admin %s (IRC) has warned %s (%d) for: %s", user,pname, ID, reason);
        SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_GREEN, string);
        IRC_GroupSay(gGroupID,IRC_ACHANNEL, string);
        SendClientMessage(ID, red, "You have been warned by an IRC admin (IRC) to follow the rules.");
        SendClientMessage(ID, red, "Please follow the rules with /rules");
        PlayerInfo[ID][pWarn] ++;
        SetPVarInt(ID, "Warnings", GetPVarInt(ID, "Warnings") +1);
        if(GetPVarInt(ID, "Warnings") == 3)
            format(string2, sizeof(string2), "[AUTO KICK] %s (%d) Too many admin warnings.", pname, ID);
            SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_RED, string2);
            IRC_GroupSay(gGroupID,IRC_CHANNEL, string2);
            IRC_GroupSay(gGroupID,IRC_ACHANNEL, string2);
        return 1;
Thank you.

Here you go, I also cleaned your code up since it was a mess

pawn Код:
IRCCMD:warn(botid, channel[], user[], host[], params[]) {
    if(IRC_IsOp(botid, channel, user)) {
        new ID, reason[64], string[128], pname[24], string2[128];
            return IRC_GroupSay(gGroupID, channel,"3Usage: !warn [playerid] [reason]");
            return IRC_GroupSay(gGroupID, channel,"4*** Error: Invalid player ID.");
        GetPlayerName(ID, pname, 24);
        format(string, sizeof(string), "Admin %s (IRC) has warned %s (%d) for: %s", user, pname, ID, reason);
        SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_GREEN, string);
        IRC_GroupSay(gGroupID,IRC_ACHANNEL, string);
        SendClientMessage(ID, red, "You have been warned by an IRC admin (IRC) to follow the rules.");
        SendClientMessage(ID, red, "Please follow the rules with /rules");
        PlayerInfo[ID][pWarn] ++;
        SetPVarInt(ID, "Warnings", GetPVarInt(ID, "Warnings") +1);
        if(GetPVarInt(ID, "Warnings") == 3) {
            format(string2, sizeof(string2), "[AUTO KICK] %s (%d) Too many admin warnings.", pname, ID);
            SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_RED, string2);
            IRC_GroupSay(gGroupID,IRC_CHANNEL, string2);
            IRC_GroupSay(gGroupID,IRC_ACHANNEL, string2);
    return 1;

Thanks but help but i get the same problem.

Don't know about sscanf in irc but how about try using sscanf??

Originally Posted by Romel
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Don't know about sscanf in irc but how about try using sscanf??
Sscanf can be used on irc too.

Anyway still didn't fixed, any help?

pawn Код:
if sscanf can be used then Why not trying to use
pawn Код:
if(sscanf(params,"ds[100]", playerid, reason))
? i hope it will work.

pawn Код:
COMMAND:warn(playerid, params[])
    new PlayerToWarn, Reason[128], ReasonMsg[128], Name[24];

    // Check if the player has logged in
    if (APlayerData[playerid][LoggedIn] == true)
        //  . You can change it to anything you want if you don't want that cmd is for lv 1 admins
        if (APlayerData[playerid][PlayerLevel] >= 1)
            if (sscanf(params, "us[128]", PlayerToWarn, Reason)) SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFF00AA, "Usage: \"/warn <PlayerToWarn> <Reason>\"");
                if (IsPlayerConnected(PlayerToWarn)) // If the player is a valid playerid (he's connected)
                    // Increase the number of warnings

                    // Get the name of the player who warned the player
                    GetPlayerName(playerid, Name, sizeof(Name));
                    // Send the warned player a message who warned him and why he's been warned
                    format(ReasonMsg, 128, "You have been warned by %s %s", AdminLevelName[APlayerData[playerid][PlayerLevel]], Name);
                    SendClientMessage(PlayerToWarn, 0xFFFF00AA, ReasonMsg);
                    format(ReasonMsg, 128, "Reason: %s", Reason);
                    SendClientMessage(PlayerToWarn, 0xFFFF00AA, ReasonMsg);
                    format(ReasonMsg, 128, "~w~Warning %i/%i: ~r~%s~w~", APlayerData[PlayerToWarn][Warnings], AutoKickWarnings, Reason);
                    GameTextForPlayer(PlayerToWarn, ReasonMsg, 5000, 4);

                    // Get the name of the warned player
                    GetPlayerName(PlayerToWarn, Name, sizeof(Name));
                    // Let the admin know who has been warned and why
                    format(ReasonMsg, 128, "You have warned %s (warnings: %i/%i)", Name, APlayerData[PlayerToWarn][Warnings], AutoKickWarnings);
                    SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFF00AA, ReasonMsg);
                    format(ReasonMsg, 128, "Reason: %s", Reason);
                    SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFF00AA, ReasonMsg);

                    // Automatically kick the player if he got 3 warnings (if autokick is enabled)
                    if ((APlayerData[PlayerToWarn][Warnings] == AutoKickWarnings) && (AutoKickAfterWarn == 1))
                    SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, "That player isn't online");
            return 0;
        return 0;

    // Let the server know that this was a valid command
    return 1;
Hope it helps

Originally Posted by Private200
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Hope it helps
.................how can this code help me if you are using YOUR custom variables?

I dont have APlayerData, LoggedIn, PlayerToWarn etc etc.

But thanks for trying to help.

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