03.10.2012, 23:27
I have this Dialog Response:
It creates the .ini file like it is a post to do on CreateDynamicFaction but it doesnt put the name there, it usually does it: 'FacNameHere_IDhere' but whenever I do it in a dialog it just goes blank like : ' _IDHere' it worked with sscanf on a normal cmd but i cant get it to work on dialogs!
Also its a post to say 'You have renamed blah blah blah and named it NAMEHERE!' but it just goes blank so I think the strlen text is messing up
Orginal dialog then going onto creating if you get me lol
Ignore the radio access
thanks, +rep
if(dialogid == 6121) { if(response) { if(strlen(inputtext) >= 2 && strlen(inputtext) <= 32) { new string[128], iFac; format(string, sizeof(string), "You have renamed faction ID %i and named it %s!", arrFaction[iFac][g_FactionID] = 0, strlen(inputtext)); SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, string); CreateDynamicFaction(strlen(inputtext)); SaveDynamicFaction(); } else return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,6123,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, " Edit Groups:", "To enable radio access, input: 1 | To disable radio access, input 2\n\n(To reset the radio access, enter 255).", "Select", "Ok"); } } |
Also its a post to say 'You have renamed blah blah blah and named it NAMEHERE!' but it just goes blank so I think the strlen text is messing up
Orginal dialog then going onto creating if you get me lol
if(dialogid == 6783) { if(response) { new string[128], iFac; if(listitem == 0) //ID 0 Faction Name { format(string, 6121, "Enter the faction name you wish to name this faction with.\n(TIP: The name cannot be more than 32 characters.)", arrFaction[iFac][g_szFactionName], arrFaction[iFac][g_FactionID] = 0, arrFaction[iFac][g_iRadioAccess]); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 6121, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Edit Faction: Faction Name", string, "Select", "Close"); } if(listitem == 1) //ID 0 Radio Access { format(string, 6123, "To enable radio access, input: 1 | To disable radio access, input 2\n\n(TIP: To reset the radio access, enter 255).", arrFaction[iFac][g_szFactionName], arrFaction[iFac][g_FactionID] = 1, arrFaction[iFac][g_iRadioAccess]); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 6123, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Edit Faction: Radio Access", string, "Select", "Close"); } } } |
thanks, +rep