[Include] Multi Private Messages (v0.5) - Include (New Abilities)

Multi Private Messages (v0.5) - Include (New Abilities)

First of all, Big thanks to ****** for sscnaf plugin - Amazing!
After two version of this system I converted this to include with new abilities.

Whats New?
[*] Fixed some bugs (like two ,, after name...)
[*] Stop using Split & Explode, converted to sscnaf
[*] Added new callback
[*] Converted to include from filterscript
[*] Added new abilities (like full control on the sending and errors)

Here some screenshots from the system fully working on 0.3e server:

PasteBin: http://pastebin.com/f4xNBRF9
MediaFire(Mirror): http://www.mediafire.com/?60cx3l6654grnhg
* Mirrors will be accepted *

In the new version I added new CallBack that names "OnPlayerSendPrivate":
forward OnPlayerSendPrivate(playerid, text[], bool:recived, reciveid, reciving[], status); //Status 0 = error, 1 = error, 2 = send to recive, 3 = send to sender
Usage Is Simple as seen in "Test script".

Test script
public OnPlayerSendPrivate(playerid, text[], bool:recived, reciveid, reciving[], status)
 	printf("[PrivateMessage] %s(%d) -> %s(%d): %s [Status: %d]", GetName(playerid), playerid, reciving, reciveid, text, status);
	switch(status) {
	    case 0:
	        SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, "Usage: /Pm [ID\\IDs] [Text]"); //send error message
	    case 1:
	        SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, "Wrong ID\\IDs, /Help for help"); //send error message
	    case 2:
	        SendClientFormat(reciveid, 0xEAFF00FF, sttr, "[PM] %s(->To You): %s", GetName(playerid), text); //send formated message to players
	    case 3:
	        SendClientFormat(playerid, 0xFF00FFFF, sttr, "[PM] %s(->To %s): %s", GetName(playerid), reciving, text); //send formated message to sender
	return 1;
In the new version you can fully controll the message sending, accepting, error and more(as seen in the test script).
Just as a reminder: Status 0 = error, 1 = error, 2 = send to recive, 3 = send to sender

Bugs & Suggestions
No bugs known for this time, if you have find a bug write me a private message and I will fix it at the nex version!
Allso Suggestions will be accepted as well.



You sure its a include not a FS ?? Btw good work

Originally Posted by Black Wolf
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You sure its a include not a FS ?? Btw good work
Yes, just include it into your script, add the public and use as you want!

Good JoB done.

I was reviewing the code, and your 'hook' makes absolutely no sense.

pawn Код:
#if defined _PMS_OnPlayerCommandText
        #undef OnPlayerUpdate
        #define _PMS_OnPlayerCommandText
#define OnPlayerUpdate PMS_OnPlayerCommandText
Why would you turn OnPlayerUpdate into OnPlayerCommandText?
Is it even possible, did you even test this to see if it affected OnPlayerUpdate in the gamemode part?

Originally Posted by Sniper Kitty
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I was reviewing the code, and your 'hook' makes absolutely no sense.

pawn Код:
#if defined _PMS_OnPlayerCommandText
        #undef OnPlayerUpdate
        #define _PMS_OnPlayerCommandText
#define OnPlayerUpdate PMS_OnPlayerCommandText
Why would you turn OnPlayerUpdate into OnPlayerCommandText?
Is it even possible, did you even test this to see if it affected OnPlayerUpdate in the gamemode part?
You right, I will fix this.

I don't want to be rude but what is so different in this from other PM systems ?

And why in an include ?

It is just PM's send/receive, there is nothing special about it.

I rate 4/10, i gave 4 just for your efforts.

It's Multi PM.
Use like: /Pm 1,2,5,9,44 When we go to park?

Originally Posted by Swimor
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It's Multi PM.
Use like: /Pm 1,2,5,9,44 When we go to park?
OK, but why in an include you could of simply made it a Filterscript.

Originally Posted by [Lexi]
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OK, but why in an include you could of simply made it a Filterscript.
This include is raplece for OnPlayerPrivmsg with some news (as i said in the last commat).
Here you have fully controll on your private messages

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