21.09.2012, 10:48
Hey guys!
Im in the process of making a Trucking Server im also using the PPC game mode. I'm in need of a few things, plus some questions.
-I'm looking for a AFK system that uses commands like.
/afk (on/off)
-Vehicle Dealership script (so i can create places to buy trucks/cars, and edit what type of cars that are available to buy etc)
-Because im running a trucking server on PPC, is there anyway i can disable weapons?
-With PPC how can i edit the ingame rules?
-With PPC, The chat is all sorts of colors, is there any possible way to make it more color coordinate?
For example:
(Say a player is in trucker class the class color is Orange. Chat would looking something like this)
Player123 : Hey All
Player456 : Welcome Back!l
(And Police come up like this)
Player789: Pull over please!
Then have all the Server messages one color instead of all different colors?
Also with people who use PPC, how can i change the log on/class selection screen?
Im in the process of making a Trucking Server im also using the PPC game mode. I'm in need of a few things, plus some questions.
-I'm looking for a AFK system that uses commands like.
/afk (on/off)
-Vehicle Dealership script (so i can create places to buy trucks/cars, and edit what type of cars that are available to buy etc)
-Because im running a trucking server on PPC, is there anyway i can disable weapons?
-With PPC how can i edit the ingame rules?
-With PPC, The chat is all sorts of colors, is there any possible way to make it more color coordinate?
For example:
(Say a player is in trucker class the class color is Orange. Chat would looking something like this)
Player123 : Hey All
Player456 : Welcome Back!l
(And Police come up like this)
Player789: Pull over please!
Then have all the Server messages one color instead of all different colors?
Also with people who use PPC, how can i change the log on/class selection screen?