16.06.2007, 17:11
These animations are awesome and they work
Feel free to add more of them or edit the script
here is the link of the animations
Pastebin Link http://pastebin.com/930383 Fixed the messages
http://files.filefront.com//;7801853;;/ Fixed the messages
Video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AODTpDhS7zw
/surrender = Hands Up
/drunk = walk like a drunk man
/bomb = planting a bomb animation
/arrest = Police arrest with gun
/lay = Lay Down
/cover = Take cover
/kiss = Kiss someone
/crack = dieing of crack
/piss = start to piss
/smoke = start to smoke
/sit = Sitting down
/fu = ****
/deal = Deal like a drugs dealer
/death = Death crawling
/slapass = Slap someone's ass
/wave = wave to somebody
/coplook = look for robbers
/vomit = puke :P
/eat = eat a burger
/rob = rob the place
/laugh = laugh
/lookout = lookout for cops
/fsmoking = smoke like a female
/slapped = get slapped on the ***
/coparrest = arrest someone
/arrested = you getting arrested
/injured = you are injured
Feel free to add more of them or edit the script
here is the link of the animations
Pastebin Link http://pastebin.com/930383 Fixed the messages
http://files.filefront.com//;7801853;;/ Fixed the messages
Video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AODTpDhS7zw
/surrender = Hands Up
/drunk = walk like a drunk man
/bomb = planting a bomb animation
/arrest = Police arrest with gun
/lay = Lay Down
/cover = Take cover
/kiss = Kiss someone
/crack = dieing of crack
/piss = start to piss
/smoke = start to smoke
/sit = Sitting down
/fu = ****
/deal = Deal like a drugs dealer
/death = Death crawling
/slapass = Slap someone's ass
/wave = wave to somebody
/coplook = look for robbers
/vomit = puke :P
/eat = eat a burger
/rob = rob the place
/laugh = laugh
/lookout = lookout for cops
/fsmoking = smoke like a female
/slapped = get slapped on the ***
/coparrest = arrest someone
/arrested = you getting arrested
/injured = you are injured