Debug HELP

pawn Код:
[20:32:31] [debug] Run time error 5: "Invalid memory access"
[20:32:31] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[20:32:31] [debug] #0 000109f4 in public flood_controlOnPlayerConnect () from LuxAdmin.amx
[20:32:31] [debug] #1 0000ee70 in public SSCANF_OnPlayerConnect () from LuxAdmin.amx
[20:32:31] [debug] #2 00006060 in public Itter_OnPlayerConnect () from LuxAdmin.amx
[20:32:31] [debug] #3 000055a4 in public OnPlayerConnect () from LuxAdmin.amx
How to solve this? Some people cannot connect and getting disconnected. I think this is what the problem.

Under OnPlayerConnect
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
    Firedup[playerid] = 0;

    Stats[playerid] = TextDrawCreate(311.000000, 8.000000, "_");
    TextDrawBackgroundColor(Stats[playerid], 255);
    TextDrawFont(Stats[playerid], 1);
    TextDrawLetterSize(Stats[playerid], 0.290000, 0.899999);
    TextDrawColor(Stats[playerid], -1);
    TextDrawSetOutline(Stats[playerid], 0);
    TextDrawSetProportional(Stats[playerid], 1);
    TextDrawSetShadow(Stats[playerid], 1);

    #if EnableCamHack == true
    KeyState[playerid] = 0;
    FollowOn[playerid] = 0;
    AccInfo[playerid][InCamMod]     = 0;
    AccInfo[playerid][LockedCam]    = 0;
    AccInfo[playerid][Deaths]       = 0;
    AccInfo[playerid][Kills]        = 0;
    AccInfo[playerid][Reps]         = 0;
    AccInfo[playerid][Jailed]       = 0;
    SetPVarInt(playerid, "Jailed", 0);
    AccInfo[playerid][Frozen]       = 0;
    AccInfo[playerid][Level]        = 0;
    AccInfo[playerid][pVip]         = 0;
    AccInfo[playerid][LoggedIn]     = 0;
    AccInfo[playerid][Registered]   = 0;
    AccInfo[playerid][TimesSpawned] = 0;
    AccInfo[playerid][Muted]        = 0;
    AccInfo[playerid][MuteWarnings] = 0;
    AccInfo[playerid][Warnings]     = 0;
    AccInfo[playerid][Caps]         = 0;
    AccInfo[playerid][DoorsLocked]  = 0;
    AccInfo[playerid][pCar]         = -1;
    AccInfo[playerid][SpamCount]    = 0;
    AccInfo[playerid][MaxAdv]       = 0;
    AccInfo[playerid][SpamTime]     = 0;
    AccInfo[playerid][PingCount]    = 0;
    AccInfo[playerid][PingTime]     = 0;
    AccInfo[playerid][FailLogin]    = 0;
    AccInfo[playerid][Hide]         = 0;
    AccInfo[playerid][pInvis]       = 0;
    AccInfo[playerid][OnDuty]       = 0;
    AccInfo[playerid][pGps]         = -1;
    #if EnableTwoRcon == true
    AccInfo[playerid][MaxRcon] = 0;

    AccInfo[playerid][ConnectTime] = gettime();
    for(new i; i<PING_MAX_EXCEEDS; i++)
    AccInfo[playerid][pPing][i] = 0;
    new string[128];
    new str[128];
    new file[256];
    new PlayerName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
    GetPlayerName(playerid, PlayerName, MAX_PLAYER_NAME);
    new tmp3[50]; GetPlayerIp(playerid,tmp3,50);
// Connect Messages
    if(ServerInfo[ConnectMessages] == 1)
        new pAKA[256];
        pAKA = dini_Get("LuxAdmin/Config/aka.txt",tmp3);
        if (strlen(pAKA) < 3)
        format(str,sizeof(str),"{00CCFF} %s (ID:%d) {6666FF}has Joined Global Freeroam Server", PlayerName,playerid);
        else if (!strcmp(pAKA,PlayerName,true))
        format(str,sizeof(str),"{00CCFF} %s (ID:%d) {6666FF}has Joined Global Freeroam Server", PlayerName,playerid);
        else format(str,sizeof(str),"{00CCFF} %s (ID:%d) {6666FF}has Joined Global Freeroam Server (Aka: %s)",PlayerName,playerid,pAKA);

        for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
        if(IsPlayerConnected(i) && playerid != i)
        if(AccInfo[i][Level] > 2)
        format(string,sizeof(string),"{00CCFF} %s (ID:%d) {6666FF}has joined the server", PlayerName, playerid);
// If PlayerName is Banned
    if (dUserINT(PlayerName2(playerid)).("Banned") == 1)
        SendClientMessage(playerid, red, "ATTENTION: This name is banned from this server");
        format(string,sizeof(string)," %s (ID:%d) has been Automatically  Kicked | Reason: Name Banned ",PlayerName,playerid);
        SendClientMessageToAll(grey, string);
        SetTimerEx("KickPlayer", 500, 0, "i", playerid);
// Kick Forbidden Name
    if(ServerInfo[NameKick] == 1)
        for(new s = 0; s < BlockedNamesCount; s++)
            SendClientMessage(playerid,red, "ATTENTION: Your name is on our Black List, you have been Kicked");
            format(string,sizeof(string)," %s (ID:%d) has been Automatically Kicked | Reason: Forbidden Name",PlayerName,playerid);
            SendClientMessageToAll(grey, string);
            SetTimerEx("KickPlayer", 500, 0, "i", playerid);
            return 1;
// Kick Forbidden Part of Name
    if(ServerInfo[PartNameKick] == 1)
        for(new s = 0; s < BlockedPartNameCount; s++)
            new pos;
            while((pos = strfind(PlayerName,BlockedPartName[s],true)) != -1)
            for(new i = pos, j = pos + strlen(BlockedPartName[s]); i < j; i++)
            SendClientMessage(playerid,red, "ATTENTION: Your name is not Allowed on this server, you have been Kicked!");
            format(string,sizeof(string),"%s (ID:%d) has been Automatically Kicked | Reason: Forbidden Name ",PlayerName,playerid);
            SendClientMessageToAll(grey, string);
            SetTimerEx("KickPlayer", 500, 0, "i", playerid);
            return 1;
// Server Locked
    if(ServerInfo[Locked] == 1)
        AccInfo[playerid][AllowedIn] = false;
        SendClientMessage(playerid,red,"Server is Locked");
        SendClientMessage(playerid,red,"You have 40 seconds to enter the server Password");
        LockKickTimer[playerid] = SetTimerEx("AutoKick", 40000, 0, "i", playerid);
    if (ServerInfo[Locked] == 1 && AccInfo[playerid][AllowedIn] == false)
        ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_TYPE_SERVPASS, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,
        "Server Locked!", "Enter the password to Access it:", "Access", "Exit");
// Register & Login
    if(strlen(dini_Get("LuxAdmin/Config/aka.txt", tmp3)) == 0)
    dini_Set("LuxAdmin/Config/aka.txt", tmp3, PlayerName);
        if( strfind( dini_Get("LuxAdmin/Config/aka.txt", tmp3), PlayerName, true) == -1 )
        format(string,sizeof(string),"%s,%s", dini_Get("LuxAdmin/Config/aka.txt",tmp3), PlayerName);
        dini_Set("LuxAdmin/Config/aka.txt", tmp3, string);
    SendClientMessage(playerid,orange, "Your account isn't registered. Please register (/"#RegisterCommand")");
    AccInfo[playerid][Registered] = 1;
    new tmp2[256]; tmp2 = dini_Get(file,"Ip");

    if( (!strcmp(tmp3,tmp2,true)) && (ServerInfo[AutoLogin] == 1))
        if(AccInfo[playerid][Level] > 0)
                case 1: AdmRank = "Trial Admin";
                case 2: AdmRank = "Advanced Admin";
                case 3: AdmRank = "Intermediate Admin";
                case 4: AdmRank = "Junior Admin";
                case 5: AdmRank = "Senior Admin";
            if(AccInfo[playerid][Level] > 5)
                AdmRank = "Head Admin";
            // VIP System
            if(AccInfo[playerid][pVip] > 0)
                format(string,sizeof(string),"You are now Logged in | Account: VIP | Level %d - %s", AccInfo[playerid][Level], AdmRank);
                format(string,sizeof(string),"You are now Logged in | Level %d - %s", AccInfo[playerid][Level],AdmRank);
                SendClientMessage(playerid, green, string);
            format(string,sizeof(string),"%s (%d) %s is now connected to the game", AdmRank, AccInfo[playerid][Level], PlayerName2(playerid));
            SendClientMessageToAll(green, string);
            if(AccInfo[playerid][pVip] > 0)
                SendClientMessage(playerid,0x00C896AA,"You are now Logged in - Account Type: VIP");
                format(string,sizeof(string),"VIP %s is now connected to the game", PlayerName2(playerid));
                SendClientMessageToAll(blue, string);
                SendClientMessage(playerid,green,"You are now Logged in");
    else SendClientMessage(playerid, white, "Account is registered") &&
    SendClientMessage(playerid, orange, "Please login to access your Account (/"#LoginCommand")");
    return 1;

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