Dialog doesnt shows up.

Okay so here's my problem..
I added a /faq command :
pawn Код:
CMD:faq(playerid, params[])
    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_FAQ, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, ".:: Frequently Asked Questions ::."," What's the server Concept ? "," Select "," Cancel");
    return 1;
At OnDialogResponse :
pawn Код:
if(dialogid == DIALOG_FAQ)
    if (!response)
    if (response)
        if(listitem == 0)
        new pDialog[700];
        strcat(pDialog, ""COL_WHITE"Year is 2025"COL_RED"The world economy had gone all the way wrong since every Country wanted Power."COL_WHITE"Which resulted in\n", sizeof(pDialog));
        strcat(pDialog,""COL_GREEN"Several wars between countries and at last, It ended but hopefully US Army took it in their control and are trying to settle it up back as usual\n",sizeof(pDialog));
        strcat(pDialog,""COL_RED"Las Payasadas is the only human settlement which was cleared for residence for people since the other places were Radiated by the Nuclear bombs\n", sizeof(pDialog));
        strcat(pDialog,""COL_BLUE"During this all, Two Teams named as AFP and USSR formed and eventually gained large amount of Power\n",sizeof(pDialog));
        strcat(pDialog,""COL_GREEN"They have all weapons ranging from Pistols to RPGs, They are considered as Threat for the US Army\n",sizeof(pDialog));
        strcat(pDialog,""COL_GREEN"AFP and USSR are worst enemies, Over the few months they had many shootouts in which many people died.\n",sizeof(pDialog));
        ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_FAQ1, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, ""COL_BLUE"Faq", pDialog, "Alright", "Cancel");
I did /faq .. It showed up but when I click .. nothing comes ?..

EDIT: i see you fixed it sorry .

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