/Ahacks command request


Your server will go much further if you take the time to learn how to script rather than always depending on someone else's work. So I will briefly tell you how something like this is done...

First, open just about any main script and look at thier commands and examine the basics, then try adding in the following command example:

SetPVarInt(playerid,"admins",1);// Somewhere else in your script, this sets a player to admins level

//Somewhere under OnPlayerCommandText()
// The following line will check if that player has been set to admins level or not
// Command Code Here... (Only reachable by players with admins level)
This is the very basics of things, but you'll learn more over time...
The best way to start learning is reviewing and bookmarking the SAMP WIKI
Then searching this forum for answers is the fastest way to get your questions answered
(What I do is advanced search, enter a single keyword such as "admin" or "level", then set to search only topic titles, then browse through the results)

To determine what to put in your command to make things happen, review the SAMP WIKI Functions
(I most certainly don't like hack programs on a game for the wrong reasons, but when I started out and didn't know how to create my own admin commands too well, I used a program mainly for tracking my Cordinates etc.)

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