[HELP] Too much objects

Well, I have a streamer on my GM, MidoStream, and I make the proper procedures, using the "convertffs" I put the MTA SA 0.1 to MidoStream (CreateStreamObject), when I give it reset the VPS is only one object, passing more rather appear just 5 or 6. It is because when I hit against some "bollards" appear on my server 5 instead of 1. I need help urgently


Use Object as filterscript
dont use toomuch object on gm

But I try other stream in filterscript but it wont work... I dont know why, i saw that inst my GM because is only in the VPS the error, right?

Some objects will only stream through a gamemode, so it is recommended to place them in your gamemode to prevent conflict with errors. Make sure you are streaming these objects OnGameModeInit and not another public function. I would recommend Incognito's streamer over Mido Stream.

Thank you clarencecuzz

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