Setting house interiors?

I don't understand how you can set interiors for houses using /sethouse interior. Let me explain how the command works;

/addhouse exterior interior complete

So first you do /addhouse exterior, and it saves the co-ordinates. Then you have to do /addhouse interior, but I don't understand how you're meant to access the interior to do the command..

use a interior browser FS..
or if your gamemode has something to teleport to coordinates, look them up, and teleport to the coordinates..
don't forget to set your own interior ID to the interior ID of the interior you are going to..

Look up the interior's position and interiorID
/setinterior <your playerid> <interior of the house>
/gotopos X Y Z the position of the house
do your command

i don't know if you have a command to set your interior, and all that things, but you can make one.
it's way simlper to use a interior browser FS, just search on the forums and ******

You mean how to change interior of the house you choosed? If yes.. well you need to save house to variable with it's interior and then change interior to what you wan't + SetPlayerPos(/FacingAngle)

Thank you, isn't there an issue of the interior being shared? So if three houses all have the same interior? For example if player 1 enters house 1 and player 2 enters house 2 they'll both be in the same interior?

you will have to use virtual world for that..
can be setted with SetPlayerVirtualWorld.
on your /enter command, add SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid,houseid);
replace houseid with the variable that holds the ID of your house.
this is just simple solution, if you want it advanced, you should save a random virtualworld, or house+1000 virtual world, inside your housefile, then set read it when the player /enter's the house

Thanks. I can't find any FS's for interior browsing, all the SA-MP Wiki articles have dead links

EDIT: Can't you get the co-ordinates of interiors from SA-MP Wiki?

hope this helps you

+rep, thanks for the help

That FS doesn't work, I do /ninterior and select one, and nothing happens

Probarly you have got Dialog with the same ID in your GameMode.

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