04.08.2012, 21:14
Hello, I got an stevo's CNR Server i've changed cia to isr
now the /adisr command doesnt work in-game
here is the code for both /adisr and /adunisr:
please help me
now the /adisr command doesnt work in-game
here is the code for both /adisr and /adunisr:
dcmd_adisr(playerid,params[]) { new string[128]; new ID; if(sscanf(params,"ui",ID)) { SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_ERROR,"USAGE: /adisr (Player Name/ID)"); return 1; } if(!IsPlayerConnected(ID)) { format(string,sizeof(string),"The player ID (%d) is not connected to the server. You cannot give them ISR status.",ID); SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_ERROR,string); return 1; } if(PLAYERLIST_authed[ID] != 1) { format(string,sizeof(string),"%s(%d) is not logged into to the server. You must wait till they login before you give them ISR status.",PlayerName(ID),ID); SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_ERROR,string); return 1; } if(CanUseISR[ID] == 1337) { format(string,sizeof(string),"%s(%d) is already a ISR member.",PlayerName(ID),ID); SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_ERROR,string); return 1; } format(string,sizeof(string),"[ADMIN ISR] Administrator has given %s(%d) ISR status.",PlayerName(ID),ID); SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_ADMIN,string); SendClientMessage(ID,COLOR_ADMIN,"You have been given ISR status by a Server Administrator. Congratulations."); CanUseISR[ID] =1337; format(string,sizeof(string),"9[ADMIN ISR] Administrator has given %s(%d) ISR status.",PlayerName(ID),ID); IRC_GroupSay(gGroupID,IRC_CHANNEL,string); return 1; } dcmd_adunisr(playerid,params[]) { new string[128]; new ID; if(sscanf(params,"ui",ID)) { SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_ERROR,"USAGE: /adunisr (Player Name/ID)"); return 1; } if(!IsPlayerConnected(ID)) { format(string,sizeof(string),"The player ID (%d) is not connected to the server. You cannot take their ISR status.",ID); SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_ERROR,string); return 1; } if(PLAYERLIST_authed[ID] != 1) { format(string,sizeof(string),"%s(%d) is not logged into to the server. You must wait till they login before you take their ISR status.",PlayerName(ID),ID); SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_ERROR,string); return 1; } if(CanUseISR[ID] != 1337) { format(string,sizeof(string),"%s(%d) is not a ISR member.",PlayerName(ID),ID); SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_ERROR,string); return 1; } format(string,sizeof(string),"[ADMIN UNISR] Administrator has taken %s(%d)'s ISR status.",PlayerName(ID),ID); SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_ADMIN,string); SendClientMessage(ID,COLOR_ADMIN,"Your ISR status has been taken away from you by a Server Administrator. Unlucky."); CanUseISR[ID] =0; format(string,sizeof(string),"9[ADMIN UNISR] Administrator has taken %s(%d)'s ISR status.",PlayerName(ID),ID); IRC_GroupSay(gGroupID,IRC_CHANNEL,string); return 1; }