Suggestions for future trucking server

ok so i was looking and i saw one good trucking server that is ppc trucking so i said why not make one so yes i am making a trucking server that just has trucking in it all of it will be trucking and that is all so to be honest here if it is a trucking server it should only have trucking and that is it but i am going to add new jobs after i am still new to the hole script thing like i start this month and i am almost done my script for the mission's and ya so far 3 mission's so ill see how far i get with this server and ill be sure to if noone join's it with me i will be more then happy to post it here for all

You should have many custom islands mapped in for more fun and upload the mapping here as well, also include airplanes and airplane deliveries. also have a house system, car system to make it more fun. But make it hard to earn enough to buy a house/car

yes i like that it is a nice idea i will do so

in addition to airplane delivers do boat based ones too, gives a lot of choice for delivering

ya i will be doing that
i have been working on all the maps in the past 3 day almost done them all

Its a nice idea.

Hmm what you've got here seems to be more than a trucking server. The extra's are what is leading it away from the 'trucking' name.

got a point htere skyrise i meant name it after and see what it is going to be but tbh here i was just think of have at of maps and have truck pilot and police that is about it and then i will be running the server so i will add more on mine but not release everything like what i am going to release here is a trucking pilot and police that this all and of course i will have the admin and login system with housing and business i think that is all i have in mind for the next 2 weeks

today i have been working on it and i have trucking almost done have about 150 loading and unloading point
tomorrow i will be working on pilot and police but i am 2nd thinking about pilot cuz alot of trucking server have it
cuz alot of trucking server just download ppc trucking so if i am puting pilot in it is going to be like pick up the mafia boss at this place and fly him to this place it is going to be people beside what ppc trucking has and police i have plans for them it is going to be fun and i might put boat in like you have a boat and you load cargo's dont know how i am going to do it but ill have fun and i am going to be putting ferry in my server cuz i saw like one sever have it and i liked it so i might put one in mine but i will put more then one i will put like 4 or 5 dont know yet

just in stead of making my own trucking server i end up making a edit of Ultimate Trucking 2.0 i added pilot job to it and my own maps and i am going to take out 2 jobs and added the pilot

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