Textdraw round corners [+rep]

Alright, I saw some soft corner textdraws in some servers, and I am still wondering how do they do it? i.e instead of the box being square cornered, its round cornered.. I don't think it's an image2textdraw thingy, because it looks more "sampish" hehe. Does anyone know how to do it? I believe I saw a script back in the days which can make a specific shape with textdraws.

Many small pixelY-like textdraws put together.

I highly doubt that, they have plenty of textdraws like that, and I don't think they spent hundreds textdraws just to make it round

I have an idea, but I don't know if that's how it's actually being done.

The gray area is the base textdraw. The orange areas are additional textdraws. The blue is the capital letter O that has been distorted, and which is hidden behind the other textdraws.

I was thinking about that too, but in another way. Didn't work. But your option works great! You're genius,brother +repped for sure thank you.

Well... the design of the SPD in this vid which was made by me used "(" to round these corners. Using other textdraws i was able to make it go "straight". Since the black space in the spd covers up a bit of the "(". The idea of Vince should also do the trick though.

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