27.07.2012, 05:27
Hexale Gang Wars GM [Just created it.]
Available Commands:
/para [parachute]
/kill to kill ur self
/class [u dont need to press F4 ]
/rank [its have its own rank sys.]
/pm [to send personal message]
/nopm [to block ur messages]
/getid [for rcon admin]
/nrg [nrg bike]
/spos[save pos.]
/lpos[goto ur save pos.]
/lock [lock ur car,bike]
Bugs: None at the movement. If you find any, please post them.
/anims [comming soon]
/gates[comming soon]
/rhouse [rcon house comming soon]
You can change the name to your server, Please do not remove mine.
Rep me please
Available Commands:
/para [parachute]
/kill to kill ur self
/class [u dont need to press F4 ]
/rank [its have its own rank sys.]
/pm [to send personal message]
/nopm [to block ur messages]
/getid [for rcon admin]
/nrg [nrg bike]
/spos[save pos.]
/lpos[goto ur save pos.]
/lock [lock ur car,bike]
Bugs: None at the movement. If you find any, please post them.
/anims [comming soon]
/gates[comming soon]
/rhouse [rcon house comming soon]
You can change the name to your server, Please do not remove mine.

Rep me please