[Map] Motel

Hello SA-MP Forums! Yesterday i started to map and today i mapped one simple motel near Alahmbra [ sorry if i miss spelled]. Because i am newbie i still dont know how to take SS Please teach me that... Anyway You can edit gates if you want, and i really dont know how to script so i use one site that converts to the script. Okey So Here is the pastebin of it, If anyone will use it PLEASE TAKE SOME SS AND PAST IT HERE. Thank You!

And i know its little small.. This was my really first map. Rate and Comment + REP!

Thanks See Ya With More Maps!

press F8 in game

It Dont Work I dont even know how to put map IG. I tryed to test it in MTA and when i pressd F8 it comes like little bar to see the commands. Help?

Thank You For You're Comment.

Originally Posted by Sig Hansen
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It Dont Work I dont even know how to put map IG. I tryed to test it in MTA and when i pressd F8 it comes like little bar to see the commands. Help?
In MTA I think it's F12 or F11, try both, Than look on MTA files for pictures... if it don't work, than press the "Prt Sc SysRq" (or something like that) button, than you just need to past in paint (or a program like that), than save and upload it.

Also the map is good, but you could try to edit it a bit more, adding more things.

Originally Posted by Kimossab
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In MTA I think it's F12 or F11, try both, Than look on MTA files for pictures... if it don't work, than press the "Prt Sc SysRq" (or something like that) button, than you just need to past in paint (or a program like that), than save and upload it.

Also the map is good, but you could try to edit it a bit more, adding more things.
Thank you I will try to do better next time

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