Need Help

Hy SA-MP.Com
Recently i opened a SA-MP Server but i have an problem .
The problem is :
When i start the server ,all faction cars appear in their normal place ,but after time ,all faction cars disappear mysterious .
How i can rezolv this bug ?


Thank you for contacting. You mean when you start your server all cars are in right places and after some time they are gone somewhere? If your server working, then your problem is game mode.




Thank you for contacting. You mean when you start your server all cars are in right places and after some time they are gone somewhere? If your server working, then your problem is game mode.


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OT : Does it Disappear AFTER Re spawning ? Or They just randomly disappear - More info please.

Originally Posted by Breto
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OT : Does it Disappear AFTER Re spawning ? Or They just randomly disappear - More info please.
Cars disapper randomly .
So cars disapper at a time .(1-2 hours ,or more . )

Cars dissappearing within 1-2 hours?
Check whether if any files are missing.
Or check you have done any mistakes in timers of your car script.

Originally Posted by [xB]Lordz
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Cars dissappearing within 1-2 hours?
Check whether if any files are missing.
Or check you have done any mistakes in timers of your car script.
Not dissappering at 1-2 hours exactly ,i write 1-2 hours by approximately .
I'm not sure ,as cars dissapering at 1-2 hours ,but disspering at an interval of time .

Ensure that you have a clean copy of GTA: SA without any modifications installed that could be deleting vehicles from your clients vehicle pool, if all else fails then inspect the servers gamemode and check for any timers deleting unoccupied vehicles etc.

I want more reply .

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