16.07.2012, 18:08
im wondering whst the code is to get a vehicle to your position becouse i have Raven script and the vehicle now spawns after buying it on a specific location if someone knows that command could he tell it to me.
its about this that makes it spawn at specific location
Pleas help
im wondering whst the code is to get a vehicle to your position becouse i have Raven script and the vehicle now spawns after buying it on a specific location if someone knows that command could he tell it to me.
else if(strcmp(x_nr,"buy",true) == 0) { new car = 1; new model = GetVehicleModel(idcar); if(IsASalesVehicle(idcar)) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pLevel] < 2) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "You need to be level 2 to buy a vehicle!"); return 1; } if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pPcarkey] == 9999 || PlayerInfo[playerid][pPcarkey2] == 9999) { } else return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY,"* You already own Two cars!"); if(GetPlayerMoney(playerid) >= GetVehiclePrice(idcar)) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pCarLic] == 1) { for(new h = 1; h < sizeof(CarInfo); h++) { if(CarInfo[h][cOwned] == 0) { car = h; h = 9999; } } format(string, sizeof(string),"LARP/Vehicles/%d.ini",car) dini_Create(string); if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pPcarkey] != 9999) { PlayerInfo[playerid][pPcarkey2] = car; } else { PlayerInfo[playerid][pPcarkey] = car; } CarInfo[car][cOwned] = 1; strmid(CarInfo[car][cOwner], sendername, 0, strlen(sendername), 999); SafeGivePlayerMoney(playerid,-GetVehiclePrice(idcar)); if(IsModelAPlane(idcar) || IsModelAHeli(idcar)) { CarInfo[car][cLocationx] = 1900.1090; CarInfo[car][cLocationy] = -2440.2302; CarInfo[car][cLocationz] = 13.3391; CarInfo[car][cAngle] = 91.6014; } else if(IsModelABoat(idcar)) { CarInfo[car][cLocationx] = 1861.1311; CarInfo[car][cLocationy] = -2448.2878; CarInfo[car][cLocationz] = 13.1289; CarInfo[car][cAngle] = 351.9833; } else { CarInfo[car][cLocationx] = 2020.0203; CarInfo[car][cLocationy] = -2184.7573; CarInfo[car][cLocationz] = 13.3469; CarInfo[car][cAngle] = 172.6376; //// Dit is voor auto !! } CarInfo[car][cModel] = model; CarInfo[car][cVirWorld] = 0; CarInfo[car][cPaintjob] = 999; CarInfo[car][cColorOne] = 1; CarInfo[car][cColorTwo] = 1; CarInfo[car][cComponent0] = 0; CarInfo[car][cComponent1] = 0; CarInfo[car][cComponent2] = 0; CarInfo[car][cComponent3] = 0; CarInfo[car][cComponent4] = 0; CarInfo[car][cComponent5] = 0; CarInfo[car][cComponent6] = 0; CarInfo[car][cComponent7] = 0; CarInfo[car][cComponent8] = 0; CarInfo[car][cComponent9] = 0; CarInfo[car][cComponent10] = 0; CarInfo[car][cComponent11] = 0; CarInfo[car][cComponent12] = 0; CarInfo[car][cComponent13] = 0; DestroyVehicle(car); ownedcar[car] = CreateVehicle(CarInfo[car][cModel],CarInfo[car][cLocationx],CarInfo[car][cLocationy],CarInfo[car][cLocationz],90.0,1,1,30000); PlayerPlayMusic(playerid); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, "Congratulations on your new purchase!"); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, "Type /vehiclehelp to view the vehicle manual!"); gEngine[playerid] = 0; engineOn[GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)] = false; SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Remember to set the new Security Code of the Car!"); new pass[24]; format(pass, sizeof(pass),"%d%d%d",random(9),random(9),random(9)); CarInfo[car][cCode] = strval(pass); OnPropUpdate(4,car); OnPlayerUpdateEx(playerid); } else { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "* For security reasons, a Driving License is needed to buy a car!"); return 1; } } else { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, " You don't have enough cash with you ! "); return 1;
CarInfo[car][cLocationx] = 1861.1311; CarInfo[car][cLocationy] = -2448.2878; CarInfo[car][cLocationz] = 13.1289; CarInfo[car][cAngle] = 351.9833;