SAMP won't even start?


I have never had this issue before. Basically I open the client and go to join the server. When I do my windows 7 changes theme as usual and flashes black as if to open and then it stops entirely without warning and won't open. The only change I have made to my laptop is that the primary internal monitor got busted so I switched to a low resolution external monitor. Could this be the issue? The IG graphics were set to resolute at 800x600. The external is 1120x700 ish and the primary internal is 1440x900

PLEASE give me help ASAP. I need urgently to get this sorted.

have you tried exporting your servers fav's and removing SAMP then GTA SA then re-installing them both ,then importing your servers FAV's again

regards Austin

Try running as Administrator and check.

Try opening with lesser resolution,like 640X...

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