Making a /saveveh command?

Hello guys,

I have almost finished my server but I need a little help.
Here is my MySQL "vehicle" table format:

How would I make a command /vehsave and it would save the vehicle into MySQL and everytime I loaded my gamemode it would load the vehicles?


It's easy!

You have to create the /vehsave command, in which you put a loop that iterates through all the vehicles, which retrieves their models, angles and coordinates, then with mysql plugin, for each vehicle, you insert a row into your database.

For the script, I'm not going to make you, you can search the internet, I've just given the way forward.


Make into the database, a posX PosY Pos> PosR, in float... Color1 and Color2 Hex... not int

EDIT: Fixed.

But can someone help me with this?;/

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