512mb VPS ram?

hey guys i need a little help... i host a 30 slot server in my vps and my VPS ram is 512mb .... my script is simple too... i dont use things such as MYSQL or SQLite . how much ram does these kind of servers use?

the company that i bought VPS from them has got some problem with CP...so i cant check ram usage at this moment

I usually estimate 18mb per online player usually, 512mb will do fine for a SA:MP server.

how about a 10 slot team speak server?

There is people who have been having over 1,000 players on their TeamSpeak server with 512MB RAM.
A 10 slot TS server should not use much RAM, though the thing is that it uses bandwith, check with your host provider what your bandwith limit is.

You can check your server ram even without your VPS control panel (For linux server).
To do this open a SSH client like PuTTy and type this after you log in,
free -m
The amount of free RAM in MB is shown in third row and last digit.

my bandwidth is unlimited so i wont have any problem... also i checked my control panel... its fixed now thanks everybody

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