Text for player

How do i make a gametextfor player like at the bottom of the money bar?
Little game text

Originally Posted by PaulDinam
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How do i make a gametextfor player like at the bottom of the money bar?
Little game text
Gametext can't be edited or moved to a specific position in the screen. However, there are 3-4 styles which let you change it but that's not what you're looking for. So, the best solution is using the textdraws - first create one, show it and hide it whenever you want..

For textdraw's tips you can checkout the following site:-



if u want text draw text for player then follow Falcon X if you want like announce text for player here


GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~g~Skin ~g~Changed",2000,3);

the ~g~ is green they the color so as ~r~ = red ~p~ pink so you chose the the color
the number 2000 is the time is on 2 sec rite now 1000 = 1 sec 2000 = 2 sec 20000 20 sec the 3 is the style u want theres 1 - 6 you chose
i hope i helped

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