17.06.2012, 18:03
SA:MP custom map : Kill 'Em All#spaggiari

This is the first map of a long line, I hope so.
I baked ambient occlusion, so we can see it ingame as a texture.
Those models were made from scratch, all credits goes to me for this, and you are free to use it.
Thanks to BigSmoke, Slayer101, Elliot_Royce, and that other fag what's his name uh.- yeah, G'Money for testing the models.
This map model was tested by five different persons, no bugs were found, if you see one, just report it to me.
If you want to add this model to MTA:SA, follow this link.
If you want to add this model using the SA:MP map editor, follow this link.

CreateObject(19990, 400.15, 1831.52, 1500.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00); // Map AddStaticVehicle(424,392.7708,1818.2272,1526.5308,44.5050,161,161); // BF_INJECTION #1 AddStaticVehicle(424,432.3274,1858.3499,1549.9608,133.6317,161,161); // BF_INJECTION #2 SetPlayerPos(playerid, 368.63, 1831.71, 1546.19);