14.06.2012, 16:54
Последний раз редактировалось Infinity90; 17.11.2012 в 18:46.
Introduction / Story
Some guy wanted me to script for him and he said he would pay me if I made a gamemode, then he decided he was out and didn't want it anymore, just as I finished.
This script has many mappings [3 Stunt maps and 2 DM maps]
This script has many commands such as:
/fix - Fixes your car
/ramphelp - Displays a dynamic ramp system
/flip - Flips your car
/report - Report someone
/kill - Kills yourself
/v - Spawn a car
@@@Admin Help / System@@@
/ah - Displays all available commands
/a [Admin chat]
@@@Admin Ranks@@@
Admin Level 1 = Moderator
Admin Level 2 = Administrator
Admin Level 3 = Head Admin
Admin Level 4 = Owner
@@@VIP System@@@
/makevip [PlayerId] [Vip Rank 1-3]
/tele - when you exit the dialog it kicks you, fix it yourself.

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